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Learning On-the-Go Tips

Treat your on-line class like your “real” classroom


Have a mindset that home study, similar to work from home, is the new normal this COVID-19 pandemic. Most of you said that you understand that learning should continue despite being away from the campus. On-line class is one of the easiest and effective ways to deliver lessons during the suspension. Having a mindset that on-line class is your normal class during suspension shall help you develop discipline and dedication to participate in your on-line activities.

Take responsibility of your learning


You can make the most of your on-line class by being organized, proactive, and self-aware. It is important in on-line class that you have a clear understanding of your learning goals because your professors/instructors could verbally or visually remind you. Having your learning goals readily available or accessible in your workspace shall help you stay on track. Keeping a checklist of your course work either on-line or print shall help you monitor your learning progress.

Keep Track of your Class Schedule including deadlines


During on-line class, students and teachers are physically separated for an extended period. Unlike your regular face-to-face class, your professors/instructors would not be able to give verbal or visual reminders of your assignment and other upcoming due dates. Because it is difficult for your professors to remind you actively, it will be up to you to develop a system to make sure that you are in the track of your requirements and due dates. It is recommended that you partner with a classmate, and both of you will act as accountability partners for each other.

Learn your school’s technology


Taking on-line class involves learning your schools’ e-Learning platform. Most of your learning materials, such as lessons, assignments, quizzes, discussions, etc. shall be completed in an on-line platform. Getting yourself familiar with all the tools available in your e-Learning platform shall help you figure out how to maximize its features for your advantage.

Find your regular study space


Having a dedicated space for your on-line class shall help you establish a study routine. Setting-up a regular study space shall help you to stay organized. Choose a space that shall work best for you. It is recommended that you choose the spot with the most stable internet signal.

Limit Social Media and other distraction


Social media is one of the causes of distraction during on-line classes that can easily disrupt your studies. To eliminate distractions, always consider your on-line class like your real class regardless of where you choose to work with your course work. You may use an application blocker to eliminate distractions that compete for your attention during on-line class.

Use Online Resources from the Library


On-line references are a necessity in an on-line class. The on-line library resources are the top source of peer-reviewed materials which you can use in completing your course work. It shall help you save time evaluating the credibility of your on-line resources if you start your reference search from the library collections.



North Eastern University. 8 Strategies for Getting the Most Out of an Online Class. (2019) Retrieved, April 12, 2020 at


University of Cincinnati. 6 Tips to Being a Successful Online College Student. Retrieved, April 12, 2020 at

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